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Be a part of our YOUTH Performance Company...our Competitive team ....or both!


Our performance team is a mix of dance, acrobatic and aerial circus rehearsals.  This year we will give the opportunity for students to also try more apparatuses such as trapeze and hoop. We will do this with workshop sessions throughout the year on Saturdays.

We keep it a wide range of ages so dancers and aerialists can work together to learn and mentor.

The classes consist of conditioning, reviewing and refining skills and then exercises on how to create, learning new choreography and working on performance skills.

Everyone will learn a group dance that will be performed at community events.

We work on a group aerial performance that is mostly showcased in our event space. Individual performances at fun fairs will be showcased as well.

The Performance Team will perform at community events. These dates will be shared as soon as we know them. 

Last week of September to Beginning of May

Dancers and Aerialists will attend rehearsals with our teachers and choreographers. Rehearsals will be held on Saturdays from 1:15 to 3:30pm with the exception of holidays and long weekends.


The cost for the Performance Team is $600.00 for the season. The Performance Team is a commitment. Dancers and aerialists must make a commitment to attend the rehearsals as it is extremely difficult to work on dances and pieces with people missing.

The costumes needed for Performance company events are provided for by Artists’ Play. Dancers must as always have their own supply of appropriate dancewear needed for classes and appropriate underbodysuits.


Being a part of our competition team is a great way to boost training while working with a team and perhaps solo pieces towards dance competitions and circus festivals.

DANCERS who wish to be in our competitive team must participate in one large group number and rehearsals will be set on Tuesday nights from 7pm to 8pm.

Dancers who are selected for solos, duets and small group will be informed. These rehearsals will be scheduled with a choreographer and then once the piece is finalized (after about 8 rehearsals) we move into round robin rehearsals, which is where many students are running the pieces and working on technique at the same time with an instructor.

AERIALISTS AND ACROBATS who wish to participate in the Eventualize Circus Arts Festival will work on one large group number this year as well as perhaps be selected for solos or duos or trios. Large Circus Production number rehearsals will be on Monday evenings from 7pm to 8pm.


Cost is on top of any weekly classes. There are fees such as costume fee, entry fee for the festival or competition, choreography and rehearsal costs. The cost will depend on how many pieces your child is in. 

For example, one solo, one trio and a large group will be:
• Bought Costumes x 3 = $450
• Registration fee per competition: est. $190
• Choreo and rehearsals: $1300
• Total for one solo, a trio & a group number is: $1940.00

Cost per registration for each competition differs but here is an estimate:

  • Solos : $60 to $90 per person
  • Duets and trios: $60 per person
  • Small group: $45 per person
  • Large group: $35 per person

    Cost per piece for choreography and rehearsals:
  • Solos $450.00
  • Duets and trios are $350 per student
  • Small group (4 to 6 students) $325 per student
  • Large group (8 to 10 students) $500 per student
  • Production – more than 15 students – $400

Having a costume made can cost between $150.00 and $300.00

We at Artists’ Play understand that this is difficult for some. We do offer to rent a costume from our costume collection, however, we cannot guarantee fit and or if it will work perfectly for the dance or aerial act.  For our large group number we will ensure costs are kept low.